323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342 343344345346347348349350351352 353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372

391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414 415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434



                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-400 (twin-jet)'] = 36.4
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-700 (twin-jet)'] = 33.63
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-800 (twin-jet)'] = 39.47
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-900 (twin-jet)'] = 42.11
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 747-400 (quad-jet)'] = 36.4
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 747-8 (quad-jet)'] = 76.25
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 757-200 (twin-jet)'] = 47.3
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 757-300 (twin-jet)'] = 54.4
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 767-200 (twin-jet)'] = 48.51
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 767-300 (twin-jet)'] = 54.94
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777 (twin-jet)'] = (63.73 + 73.86) / 2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777-200 (twin-jet)'] = 63.73
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777-200LR/F (twin-jet)'] = 63.73
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777-300ER (twin-jet)'] = 73.86
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 787-10 (twin-jet)'] = 68.28
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 787-8 (twin-jet)'] = 56.72
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 787-9 (twin-jet)'] = 62.81
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-200 (twin-jet)'] = 26.77
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-700 (twin-jet)'] = 32.3
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-900 (twin-jet)'] = 36.2

AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Challenger 350 (twin-jet)'] = 20.9
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Bombardier Challenger 300 (twin-jet)'] = 20.92
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Bombardier Global Express (twin-jet)'] = (29.5 + 30.3) / 2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Embraer 170/175 (twin-jet)'] = (29.90 + 31.68) / 2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Embraer Phenom 300 (twin-jet)'] = 15.9
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['EMBRAER 175 (long wing) (twin-jet)'] = 31.68
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Embraer ERJ-135 (twin-jet)'] = 26.33
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Caravan (single-turboprop)'] = 11.46
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation CJ2+ (twin-jet)'] = 14.53
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation CJ3 (twin-jet)'] = 15.59

AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation II (twin-jet)'] = 14.54
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation Latitude (twin-jet)'] = 18.97
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation Sovereign (twin-jet)'] = 19.35
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation V (twin-jet)'] = 14.91
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation X (twin-jet)'] = 22.04
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Skyhawk (piston-single)'] = 8.28
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Skylane (piston-single)'] = 8.84
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna T206 Turbo Stationair (piston-single)'] = 8.61
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft Bonanza (33) (piston-single)'] = 7.65
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft Super King Air 200 (twin-turboprop)'] = 13.31
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft Super King Air 350 (twin-turboprop)'] = 14.22
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft King Air 90 (twin-turboprop)'] = 10.82
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Learjet 45 (twin-jet)'] = 17.68
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Pilatus PC-12 (single-turboprop)'] = 14.4

def Log(message, file=None, rolling=None):
  """Write a message to a logfile along with a timestamp.


                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  except IOError:
    Log('Unable to append to ' + file)

  if rolling:
    existing_log_lines = ReadFile(file).splitlines()
    with open(rolling, 'w') as f:

def UpdateRollingLogSize(configuration):
  """Set the global rolling_log_line_count based on settings file."""
  if 'rolling_log_line_count' in configuration:
    ROLLING_LOG_SIZE = configuration['rolling_log_line_count']

def LogTimes(times):
  """Logs elapsed time messages from a list of epochs."""
  msg = ''
  for n, t in enumerate(times[:-1]):
    msg += '%.2fs to get from reading %d to reading %s\n' % (times[n + 1] - t, n, n + 1)


def MaintainRollingWebLog(message, max_count, filename=None):
  """Maintains a rolling text file of at most max_count printed messages.

  Newest data at top and oldest data at the end, of at most max_count messages,
  where the delimiter between each message is identified by a special fixed string.

    message: text message to prepend to the file.
    max_count: maximum number of messages to keep in the file; the max_count+1st message
      is deleted.
    filename: the file to update.
  # can't define as a default parameter because ROLLING_MESSAGE_FILE name is potentially
  # modified based on SIMULATION flag
  if not filename:
  rolling_log_header = '='*(SPLITFLAP_CHARS_PER_LINE + 2)

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

      args=(to_servo_q, to_main_q, shutdown[1]))
  return remote, servo

def ValidateSingleRunning(enabled, start_function, p=None, args=()):
  """Restarts a new instance of multiprocessing process if not running"""

    if not enabled:
      if p is not None:  # must have just requested a disabling of single instance
        args[2].value = 1  # trigger a shutdown on the single instance
      return None

    if p is None or not p.is_alive():
      if p is None:
        Log('Process for %s starting for first time' % str(start_function))
      elif VERBOSE:
        Log('Process (%s) for %s died; restarting' % (str(p), str(start_function)))
      args[2].value = 0  # (re)set shutdown flag to allow function to run
      p = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_function, args=args)
      p.daemon = True  # has been set to True  #TODO

  return p

def EnqueueArduinos(flights, json_desc_dict, configuration, to_servo_q, to_remote_q):
  """Send latest data to arduinos via their shared-memory queues"""
  last_flight = {}
  if flights:
    last_flight = flights[-1]

    now = json_desc_dict['now']
    now = time.time()

  additional_attributes = {}

  today = EpochDisplayTime(now, '%x')
  flight_count_today = len([1 for f in flights if DisplayTime(f, '%x') == today])

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  VERSION_MESSAGEBOARD = MakeCopy('messageboard')
  VERSION_ARDUINO = MakeCopy('arduino')

def main():
  """Traffic cop between incoming radio flight messages, configuration, and messageboard.

  This is the main logic, checking for new flights, augmenting the radio signal with
  additional web-scraped data, and generating messages in a form presentable to the

  # Since this clears log files, it should occur first before we start logging
  if '-s' in sys.argv:

  last_heartbeat_time = HeartbeatRestart()
  init_timing = [time.time()]  # time 0

  # This flag slows down simulation time around a flight, great for debugging the arduinos
  simulation_slowdown = bool('-f' in sys.argv)

  # Redirect any errors to a log file instead of the screen, and add a datestamp
  if not SIMULATION:
    sys.stderr = open(STDERR_FILE, 'a')
    Log('', STDERR_FILE)

  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 1
  Log('Starting up process %d' % os.getpid())
  already_running_ids = FindRunningParents()
  if already_running_ids:
    for pid in already_running_ids:
      Log('Sending termination signal to %d' % pid)
      os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 2


  configuration = ReadAndParseSettings(CONFIG_FILE)
  startup_time = time.time()
  json_desc_dict = {}

  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 3
  flights = UnpickleObjectFromFile(PICKLE_FLIGHTS, True, max_days=MAX_INSIGHT_HORIZON_DAYS)
  # Clear the loaded flight of any cached data, identified by keys with a specific
  # suffix, since code fixes may change the values for some of those cached elements
  for flight in flights:
    for key in list(flight.keys()):
      if key.endswith(CACHED_ELEMENT_PREFIX):
  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 4

  # If we're displaying just a single insight message, we want it to be something
  # unique, to the extent possible; this dict holds a count of the diff types of messages
  # displayed so far
  insight_message_distribution = {}

  # bootstrap the flight insights distribution from a list of insights on each
  # flight (i.e.: flight['insight_types'] for a given flight might look like
  # [1, 2, 7, 9], or [], to indicate which insights were identified; this then
  # transforms that into {0: 25, 1: 18, ...} summing across all flights.
  missing_insights = []
  for flight in flights:
    if 'insight_types' not in flight:
          '%s on %s' % (DisplayFlightNumber(flight), DisplayTime(flight, '%x %X')))
    distribution = flight.get('insight_types', [])
    for key in distribution:
      insight_message_distribution[key] = (
          insight_message_distribution.get(key, 0) + 1)
  if missing_insights:
    Log('Flights missing insight distributions: %s' % ';'.join(missing_insights))
  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 5

  # initialize objects required for arduinos, but we can only start them in the main
  # loop, because the tail end of the init section needs to confirm that all other
  # processes have exited!
  to_remote_q, to_servo_q, to_main_q, shutdown = InitArduinoVariables()
  remote, servo = None, None

  # used in simulation to print the hour of simulation once per simulated hour
  prev_simulated_hour = ''

  persistent_nearby_aircraft = {} # key = flight number; value = last seen epoch
  persistent_path = {}
  histogram = {}

  # Next up to print is index 0; this is a list of tuples:
  # tuple element#1: flag indicating the type of message that this is
  # tuple element#2: the message itself
  message_queue = []
  next_message_time = time.time()

  # We repeat the loop every x seconds; this ensures that if the processing time is long,
  # we don't wait another x seconds after processing completes
  next_loop_time = time.time() + LOOP_DELAY_SECONDS

  # These files are read only if the version on disk has been modified more recently
  # than the last time it was read
  last_dump_json_timestamp = 0

  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 6
  init_timing.append(time.time())  # time 7


  Log('Finishing initialization of %d; starting radio polling loop' % os.getpid())

    last_heartbeat_time = Heartbeat(last_heartbeat_time)

    new_configuration = ReadAndParseSettings(CONFIG_FILE)
    CheckForNewFilterCriteria(configuration, new_configuration, message_queue, flights)
    configuration = new_configuration

    ResetLogs(configuration)  # clear the logs if requested

    # if this is a SIMULATION, then process every diff dump. But if it isn't a simulation,
    # then only read & do related processing for the next dump if the last-modified
    # timestamp indicates the file has been updated since it was last read.
    tmp_timestamp = 0
    if not SIMULATION:

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->






                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-400 (twin-jet)'] = 36.4
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-700 (twin-jet)'] = 33.63
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-800 (twin-jet)'] = 39.47
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 737-900 (twin-jet)'] = 42.11
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 747-400 (quad-jet)'] = 36.4
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 747-8 (quad-jet)'] = 76.25
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 757-200 (twin-jet)'] = 47.3
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 757-300 (twin-jet)'] = 54.4
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 767-200 (twin-jet)'] = 48.51
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 767-300 (twin-jet)'] = 54.94
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777 (twin-jet)'] = (63.73 + 73.86) / 2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777-200 (twin-jet)'] = 63.73
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777-200LR/F (twin-jet)'] = 63.73
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 777-300ER (twin-jet)'] = 73.86
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 787-10 (twin-jet)'] = 68.28
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 787-8 (twin-jet)'] = 56.72
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Boeing 787-9 (twin-jet)'] = 62.81
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-200 (twin-jet)'] = 26.77
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-700 (twin-jet)'] = 32.3
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-900 (twin-jet)'] = 36.2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Challenger (twin-jet)'] = 20.9
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Canadair Challenger 350 (twin-jet)'] = 20.9
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Bombardier Challenger 300 (twin-jet)'] = 20.92
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Bombardier Global Express (twin-jet)'] = (29.5 + 30.3) / 2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Embraer 170/175 (twin-jet)'] = (29.90 + 31.68) / 2
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Embraer Phenom 300 (twin-jet)'] = 15.9
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['EMBRAER 175 (long wing) (twin-jet)'] = 31.68
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Embraer ERJ-135 (twin-jet)'] = 26.33
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Caravan (single-turboprop)'] = 11.46
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation CJ2+ (twin-jet)'] = 14.53
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation CJ3 (twin-jet)'] = 15.59
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation Excel/XLS (twin-jet)'] = 16.0
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation II (twin-jet)'] = 14.54
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation Latitude (twin-jet)'] = 18.97
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation Sovereign (twin-jet)'] = 19.35
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation V (twin-jet)'] = 14.91
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Citation X (twin-jet)'] = 22.04
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Skyhawk (piston-single)'] = 8.28
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna Skylane (piston-single)'] = 8.84
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Cessna T206 Turbo Stationair (piston-single)'] = 8.61
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft Bonanza (33) (piston-single)'] = 7.65
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft Super King Air 200 (twin-turboprop)'] = 13.31
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft Super King Air 350 (twin-turboprop)'] = 14.22
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Beechcraft King Air 90 (twin-turboprop)'] = 10.82
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Learjet 45 (twin-jet)'] = 17.68
AIRCRAFT_LENGTH['Pilatus PC-12 (single-turboprop)'] = 14.4

def Log(message, file=None, rolling=None):
  """Write a message to a logfile along with a timestamp.


                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  except IOError:
    Log('Unable to append to ' + file)

  if rolling:
    existing_log_lines = ReadFile(file).splitlines()
    with open(rolling, 'w') as f:

def UpdateRollingLogSize(configuration):
  """Set the global rolling_log_line_count based on settings file."""
  if 'rolling_log_line_count' in configuration:
    ROLLING_LOG_SIZE = configuration['rolling_log_line_count']

def LogTimes(times):
  """Logs elapsed time messages from a list tuples of epochs and identifiers."""
  msg = ''
  for n, t in enumerate(times[:-1]):
    msg += '%.2fs to get from reading %d to reading %s\n' % (
        times[n + 1][0] - t[0], t[1], times[n + 1][1])

def MaintainRollingWebLog(message, max_count, filename=None):
  """Maintains a rolling text file of at most max_count printed messages.

  Newest data at top and oldest data at the end, of at most max_count messages,
  where the delimiter between each message is identified by a special fixed string.

    message: text message to prepend to the file.
    max_count: maximum number of messages to keep in the file; the max_count+1st message
      is deleted.
    filename: the file to update.
  # can't define as a default parameter because ROLLING_MESSAGE_FILE name is potentially
  # modified based on SIMULATION flag
  if not filename:
  rolling_log_header = '='*(SPLITFLAP_CHARS_PER_LINE + 2)

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

      args=(to_servo_q, to_main_q, shutdown[1]))
  return remote, servo

def ValidateSingleRunning(enabled, start_function, p=None, args=()):
  """Restarts a new instance of multiprocessing process if not running"""

    if not enabled:
      if p is not None:  # must have just requested a disabling of single instance
        args[2].value = 1  # trigger a shutdown on the single instance
      return None

    if p is None or not p.is_alive():
      if p is None:
        Log('Process for %s starting for first time' % str(start_function))
      elif VERBOSE:
        Log('Process (%s) for %s died; restarting' % (str(p), str(start_function)))
      args[2].value = 0  # (re)set shutdown flag to allow function to run
      p = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_function, args=args)
      p.daemon = True

  return p

def EnqueueArduinos(flights, json_desc_dict, configuration, to_servo_q, to_remote_q):
  """Send latest data to arduinos via their shared-memory queues"""
  last_flight = {}
  if flights:
    last_flight = flights[-1]

    now = json_desc_dict['now']
    now = time.time()

  additional_attributes = {}

  today = EpochDisplayTime(now, '%x')
  flight_count_today = len([1 for f in flights if DisplayTime(f, '%x') == today])

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  VERSION_MESSAGEBOARD = MakeCopy('messageboard')
  VERSION_ARDUINO = MakeCopy('arduino')

def main():
  """Traffic cop between incoming radio flight messages, configuration, and messageboard.

  This is the main logic, checking for new flights, augmenting the radio signal with
  additional web-scraped data, and generating messages in a form presentable to the

  # Since this clears log files, it should occur first before we start logging
  if '-s' in sys.argv:

  last_heartbeat_time = HeartbeatRestart()
  init_timing = [(time.time(), 0)]

  # This flag slows down simulation time around a flight, great for debugging the arduinos
  simulation_slowdown = bool('-f' in sys.argv)

  # Redirect any errors to a log file instead of the screen, and add a datestamp
  if not SIMULATION:
    sys.stderr = open(STDERR_FILE, 'a')
    Log('', STDERR_FILE)

  init_timing.append((time.time(), 1))
  Log('Starting up process %d' % os.getpid())
  already_running_ids = FindRunningParents()
  if already_running_ids:
    for pid in already_running_ids:
      Log('Sending termination signal to %d' % pid)
      os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
  init_timing.append((time.time(), 2))


  configuration = ReadAndParseSettings(CONFIG_FILE)
  startup_time = time.time()
  json_desc_dict = {}

  init_timing.append((time.time(), 3))
  flights = UnpickleObjectFromFile(PICKLE_FLIGHTS, True, max_days=MAX_INSIGHT_HORIZON_DAYS)
  # Clear the loaded flight of any cached data, identified by keys with a specific
  # suffix, since code fixes may change the values for some of those cached elements
  for flight in flights:
    for key in list(flight.keys()):
      if key.endswith(CACHED_ELEMENT_PREFIX):
  init_timing.append((time.time(), 4))

  # If we're displaying just a single insight message, we want it to be something
  # unique, to the extent possible; this dict holds a count of the diff types of messages
  # displayed so far
  insight_message_distribution = {}

  # bootstrap the flight insights distribution from a list of insights on each
  # flight (i.e.: flight['insight_types'] for a given flight might look like
  # [1, 2, 7, 9], or [], to indicate which insights were identified; this then
  # transforms that into {0: 25, 1: 18, ...} summing across all flights.
  missing_insights = []
  for flight in flights:
    if 'insight_types' not in flight:
          '%s on %s' % (DisplayFlightNumber(flight), DisplayTime(flight, '%x %X')))
    distribution = flight.get('insight_types', [])
    for key in distribution:
      insight_message_distribution[key] = (
          insight_message_distribution.get(key, 0) + 1)
  if missing_insights:
    Log('Flights missing insight distributions: %s' % ';'.join(missing_insights))
  init_timing.append((time.time(), 5))

  # initialize objects required for arduinos, but we can only start them in the main
  # loop, because the tail end of the init section needs to confirm that all other
  # processes have exited!
  to_remote_q, to_servo_q, to_main_q, shutdown = InitArduinoVariables()
  remote, servo = None, None

  # used in simulation to print the hour of simulation once per simulated hour
  prev_simulated_hour = ''

  persistent_nearby_aircraft = {} # key = flight number; value = last seen epoch
  persistent_path = {}
  histogram = {}

  # Next up to print is index 0; this is a list of tuples:
  # tuple element#1: flag indicating the type of message that this is
  # tuple element#2: the message itself
  message_queue = []
  next_message_time = time.time()

  # We repeat the loop every x seconds; this ensures that if the processing time is long,
  # we don't wait another x seconds after processing completes
  next_loop_time = time.time() + LOOP_DELAY_SECONDS

  # These files are read only if the version on disk has been modified more recently
  # than the last time it was read
  last_dump_json_timestamp = 0

  init_timing.append((time.time(), 6))
  init_timing.append((time.time(), 7))


  Log('Finishing initialization of %d; starting radio polling loop' % os.getpid())

    last_heartbeat_time = Heartbeat(last_heartbeat_time)

    new_configuration = ReadAndParseSettings(CONFIG_FILE)
    CheckForNewFilterCriteria(configuration, new_configuration, message_queue, flights)
    configuration = new_configuration

    ResetLogs(configuration)  # clear the logs if requested

    # if this is a SIMULATION, then process every diff dump. But if it isn't a simulation,
    # then only read & do related processing for the next dump if the last-modified
    # timestamp indicates the file has been updated since it was last read.
    tmp_timestamp = 0
    if not SIMULATION:

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->