864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883 884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903

906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925 926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  d['altitude'] = angles[1]
  d['laser_red'] = laser[0]
  d['laser_green'] = laser[1]
  d['laser_blue'] = laser[2]
  d['led_red'] = led[0]
  d['led_green'] = led[1]
  d['led_blue'] = led[2]
  d['arduino_reset'] = reset

  return d

def HexColorToRGBTuple(hex_color):
  """Converts i.e.: #329a43 to (50, 154, 67)."""
  r = hex_color[1:3]
  g = hex_color[3:5]
  b = hex_color[5:7]
  return (int(r, 16), int(g, 16), int(b, 16))

def Gamma(c):
  """Converts a desired brightness 0..255 to a gamma-corrected PWM 0..255."""
  return round(((c / MAX_PWM) ** GAMMA) * MAX_PWM)

def GammaRGB(rgb):
  """Gamma converts an RGB tuple."""
  return Gamma(rgb[0]), Gamma(rgb[1]), Gamma(rgb[2])

def ServoMain(to_arduino_q, to_parent_q, shutdown):
  """Main servo controller for projecting the plane position on a hemisphere.

  Takes the latest flight from the to_arduino_q and converts that to the current
  azimuth and altitude of the plane on a hemisphere.
  sys.stderr = open(messageboard.STDERR_FILE, 'a')

  Log('Process started with process id %d' % os.getpid())

  # Ensures that the child can exit if the parent exits unexpectedly
  # #multiprocessing.Queue.cancel_join_thread

  #pylint: disable = bad-whitespace
  write_config = (

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  next_read = 0
  next_write = 0
  now = GetNow(json_desc_dict, additional_attr)

  while not shutdown.value:
    if not to_arduino_q.empty():
      flight, json_desc_dict, configuration, additional_attr = to_arduino_q.get(

      if 'test_servos_ordinal' in configuration:
        messageboard.RemoveSetting(configuration, 'test_servos_ordinal')
        ServoTestOrdinal(link, write_keys, write_format_tuple)
      elif 'test_servos_sweep' in configuration:
        messageboard.RemoveSetting(configuration, 'test_servos_sweep')
        ServoTestSweep(link, write_keys, write_format_tuple)
      elif 'test_servos_led' in configuration:
        messageboard.RemoveSetting(configuration, 'test_servos_led')
        ServoTestLED(link, write_keys, write_format_tuple)

      new_flight = DifferentFlights(flight, last_flight)
      if new_flight:
        Log('Flight changed from %s to %s' % (
        ), ser=link)

        # Turn off laser so line isn't traced while it moves to new position
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF)
        message_tuple = DictToValueTuple(
            message_dict, write_keys, write_format_tuple)

      last_flight = flight

    if time.time() >= next_read:
      heartbeat = link.Read()  # simple ack message sent by servos
      next_read = time.time() + READ_DELAY_TIME_SERVO
      if heartbeat and VERBOSE:
        Log('Heartbeat read by Servo: %s' % str(heartbeat))

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

    current_angles = AzimuthAltitude(flight, now)
    if time.time() > next_write:
      if (current_angles and
          current_angles[1] >=
          configuration['minimum_altitude_servo_tracking'] and
          configuration['servo_mode'] in ('laser_only', 'both')):

        if VERBOSE:
          Log('Flight #: %s current_angles: %s' % (
              messageboard.DisplayFlightNumber(flight), str(current_angles)))

        laser_rgb = LaserRGBFlight(flight)
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(
            laser=laser_rgb, angles=current_angles, led=LED_OFF)

      elif configuration['servo_mode'] == 'laser_only':
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF, led=LED_OFF)


        rgb_tuple = GammaRGB(HexColorToRGBTuple(configuration['led_color']))
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF, led=rgb_tuple)

      message_tuple = DictToValueTuple(
          message_dict, write_keys, write_format_tuple)

      next_write = time.time() + WRITE_DELAY_TIME

  # One final write telling Arduino to do a software reset
  message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF, reset=True)
  message_tuple = DictToValueTuple(message_dict, write_keys, write_format_tuple)


def LaserRGBFlight(flight):
  """Based on flight attributes, set the laser."""
  # Possible assignment based on:
  #   - ascending / descending / level

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->





                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  d['altitude'] = angles[1]
  d['laser_red'] = laser[0]
  d['laser_green'] = laser[1]
  d['laser_blue'] = laser[2]
  d['led_red'] = led[0]
  d['led_green'] = led[1]
  d['led_blue'] = led[2]
  d['arduino_reset'] = reset

  return d

def HexColorToRGBTuple(hex_color):
  """Converts i.e.: #329a43 to (50, 154, 67)."""
  r = hex_color[1:3]
  g = hex_color[3:5]
  b = hex_color[5:7]
  return (int(r, 16), int(g, 16), int(b, 16))

def Gamma(c, gamma):
  """Converts a desired brightness 0..255 to a gamma-corrected PWM 0..255."""
  return round(((c / MAX_PWM) ** gamma) * MAX_PWM)

def GammaRGB(rgb, gamma):
  """Gamma converts an RGB tuple."""
  return Gamma(rgb[0], gamma), Gamma(rgb[1], gamma), Gamma(rgb[2], gamma)

def ServoMain(to_arduino_q, to_parent_q, shutdown):
  """Main servo controller for projecting the plane position on a hemisphere.

  Takes the latest flight from the to_arduino_q and converts that to the current
  azimuth and altitude of the plane on a hemisphere.
  sys.stderr = open(messageboard.STDERR_FILE, 'a')

  Log('Process started with process id %d' % os.getpid())

  # Ensures that the child can exit if the parent exits unexpectedly
  # #multiprocessing.Queue.cancel_join_thread

  #pylint: disable = bad-whitespace
  write_config = (

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

  next_read = 0
  next_write = 0
  now = GetNow(json_desc_dict, additional_attr)

  while not shutdown.value:
    if not to_arduino_q.empty():
      flight, json_desc_dict, configuration, additional_attr = to_arduino_q.get(

      if 'test_servos_ordinal' in configuration:
        messageboard.RemoveSetting(configuration, 'test_servos_ordinal')
        ServoTestOrdinal(link, write_keys, write_format_tuple)
      elif 'test_servos_sweep' in configuration:
        messageboard.RemoveSetting(configuration, 'test_servos_sweep')
        ServoTestSweep(link, write_keys, write_format_tuple)
      elif 'test_servos_led' in configuration:
        messageboard.RemoveSetting(configuration, 'test_servos_led')
        ServoTestLED(link, write_keys, write_format_tuple)

      gamma = configuration['servo_rgb_gamma']
      new_flight = DifferentFlights(flight, last_flight)
      if new_flight:
        Log('Flight changed from %s to %s' % (
        ), ser=link)

        # Turn off laser so line isn't traced while it moves to new position
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF)
        message_tuple = DictToValueTuple(
            message_dict, write_keys, write_format_tuple)

      last_flight = flight

    if time.time() >= next_read:
      heartbeat = link.Read()  # simple ack message sent by servos
      next_read = time.time() + READ_DELAY_TIME_SERVO
      if heartbeat and VERBOSE:
        Log('Heartbeat read by Servo: %s' % str(heartbeat))

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->

    current_angles = AzimuthAltitude(flight, now)
    if time.time() > next_write:
      if (current_angles and
          current_angles[1] >=
          configuration['minimum_altitude_servo_tracking'] and
          configuration['servo_mode'] in ('laser_only', 'both')):

        if VERBOSE:
          Log('Flight #: %s current_angles: %s' % (
              messageboard.DisplayFlightNumber(flight), str(current_angles)))

        laser_rgb = LaserRGBFlight(flight)
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(
            laser=laser_rgb, angles=current_angles, led=LED_OFF)

      elif configuration['servo_mode'] == 'laser_only':
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF, led=LED_OFF)

        rgb_tuple = GammaRGB(
            HexColorToRGBTuple(configuration['led_color']), gamma)
        message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF, led=rgb_tuple)

      message_tuple = DictToValueTuple(
          message_dict, write_keys, write_format_tuple)

      next_write = time.time() + WRITE_DELAY_TIME

  # One final write telling Arduino to do a software reset
  message_dict = GenerateServoMessage(laser=LASER_OFF, reset=True)
  message_tuple = DictToValueTuple(message_dict, write_keys, write_format_tuple)


def LaserRGBFlight(flight):
  """Based on flight attributes, set the laser."""
  # Possible assignment based on:
  #   - ascending / descending / level

                            <----SKIPPED LINES---->